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Since the first Young Disciple magazines rolled off the press in 1992, the ministry has steadily grown. Once a small publishing project, its sphere has enlarged to include youth camps, mission trips, music and video production, and much more.
Young Disciple Ministries is conducted by Seventh-day Adventist Christians with a mission to bring young people to the Lord.
Young Disciple magazine, the ministry's flagship publication, has been in continual circulation since 1992. Click here for guidelines for authors and illustrators.
Since 1993, Young Disciple Youth Bible Camps have provided an opportunity for young people to grow spiritually, learn new skills, meet new friends, and discover the joy of sharing their faith.
The enemy has been enormously successful in using music and film to gain entrance into the minds of young people. Fortunately, these mediums can also be used for the Lord. Proclamation Music, a division of Young Disciple Ministries, is dedicated to producing top-quality musical recordings by talented young artists. Proclamation's recordings not only follow the highest Christian musical standards; they also have wide appeal among young people.
Many young people who would never enter a church or subscribe to a religious publication spend hours on the World Wide Web. YD's Web site offers browsers an opportunity to ask questions, request special prayer, get acquainted with young people who desire to serve the Lord, and obtain materials to help them in their Christian walk.
Young people doing evangelism, that's what this is all about! From preaching and teaching to healing and encouraging, the Mission Experience empowers teens to step out in faith, and accept the challenge of sharing their faith in a public way. Take a look at the Mission Experience photo albums, or find out how you can be a part of an upcoming trip here.
Scripture memorization produces amazing results. As we hide God's Word in our hearts, the mind is strengthened and the soul is revived. Not only this: We become much more able to resist Satan's attacks.
Bible Memory Bookmarks: To aid the memorization process, YD offers scores of beautiful Bible Memory Bookmarks featuring the highly effective initial letter approach, as well as Bible text flashcards on a variety of topics. Ideal for family worships or youth study groups!
His Song In My Heart: Song is one of the most effective ways to memorize-and retain-the words of Scripture in our minds. This exciting collection of Scripture Songs is available in a complete set of books for church or youth groups. Each song in this collection was taken directly from the King James Version of Scripture and was chosen both because of its spiritual message and the beauty of the music.
The printed word is truly a preacher that travels to places no living person could ever reach. Over the years, YD has trained many young people as writers, designers, photographers, desktop publishers, and editors. Special internship programs are available to high school and college-age youth. Email us for more information.
The roots of Young Disciple magazine go back to California in 1990. At that time, Janet Evert, an SDA mother and junior-teen leader, realized her students were ready for serious Bible study and began putting together her own studies and collections of stories for her students. The magazine began to be professionally produced in 1992. There was an enthusiastic response from all over the world, from young people, parents, and youth leaders who had been looking for such material. Since then, Young Disciple magazine has received subscriptions from individuals and Sabbath Schools around the world. Currently it is being used in many SDA churches. There has been much positive and enthusiastic response at all levels of church leadership-as well as by the young people themselves.
The Young Disciple Youth Bible Camp program has been operating since 1993. The one-week camps emphasize developing and maintaining a personal devotional life, and include Bible memorization, training in outreach skills, wholesome recreational choices, and fellowship with young people who are serious about their walk with the Lord. In 2001 we extended the camp program to a yearly mission trip to the Philippines, where YD campers conduct an evangelistic crusade.
Other aspects of Young Disciple Ministries include Bible memory aids, production of CDs and videos for young people, and a popular youth-based web site.
Young Disciple Ministries is a member of ASI, and has an excellent working relationship with the local church and conference. Its materials, including Young Disciple magazine, are carried by several Adventist Book Centers. Staff members have appeared on "3ABN Presents," and later returned to 3ABN to tape eight programs in the "Teen Pathways" series. Young Disciple Ministries has its own nonprofit [501(c)(3)] status.
All staff members of Young Disciple Ministries are Seventh-day Adventists in good standing, and are active in their local SDA church. Click here to find out more about our team. Click here to contact a YD staff member.
All material appearing in Young Disciple magazine must be true, must have a spiritual impact, and must be consistent with the beliefs of the SDA church, as exemplified in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. Inflammatory, non-salvational issues are avoided. Instead, the magazine focuses on the personal preparation each must make to be part of God's Kingdom. Click here for guidelines for authors and illustrators.
Young Disciple Ministries is located on Lake Roosevelt in northeastern Washington.
Young Disciple Ministries, Inc. 51 FDR Lake Rd PO Box 400 Inchelium, WA 99138
509-722-4300 Voice 509-722-4304 Fax Email us
Young Disciple receives many enthusiastic letters and phone calls from young people, parents, teachers, SDA pastors, and conference leaders. It is not the ministry's policy to publish names and addresses of respondents, but a sampling of written responses is included below.
"Though I was raised a Christian, I found that something was missing in my life. It was empty of something, but I didn't know what! I started to get Young Disciple magazine, that really inspired me. And by and by I started to be drawn closer to God and love Him more and more. I wanted to obey Him, and also I was more happy and felt better about myself. Now I am so happy and I am doing as many things as I can for the Lord. Though my life is not perfect, the Lord is still working in my life to do what He says!" —Girl, age 11, California
"I've been raised in a Christian home. However, I seemed to always be doing the wrong things and getting myself in trouble. I was very unhappy this way. Since I started reading Young Disciple magazine, I came to know more about God, and found that they drew me closer to Him. I learned to love Him much more than I did before. Now I feel more comfortable with my life, and find that I am not always in trouble anymore. I'm much happier. What a difference coming to love God has made in my life!" —Boy, age 14, California
"Over the past year I have been going through some struggles. I had gotten to the point where I didn't want to hear anything religious. I was constantly fighting with myself , my mom, dad, and brothers. I was always depressed and snappish. And my carload of crummy 'friends' didn't help at all. Yet through this, I continued to read Young Disciple magazine. Sometimes at night, after I had reread several issues, I would cry myself to sleep because I saw in the testimonies of the readers a peace and joy. Something there was real to them. It was something I didn't have and I wanted it desperately. Your magazine was like a light in my dark world. Still, I continued to resist. I didn't want to yield myself to the Holy Spirit. But eventually He won (praise God!). I realized that I was fighting for nothing. I finally saw that I could have the peace and satisfaction that so many YD readers had. The Lord was working on me through you. I have recently been baptized and I can truly say that it was largely a result of your hard work in the YD office. I hope and pray that my testimony will encourage you to continue onward and upward. You are doing a great work! God bless you!" —Girl, age 14, Alaska
"I just wanted to say thank-you for faithfully keeping up with this publication! It truly is a blessing, and the message gets sent world-wide-literally! My fiancé is in the Army and is deployed in Hungary right now, so I save up my copies and send him them at the end of every month. He really enjoys them, and I know he is sharing them with his sergeants and other acquaintances over there also. He was a Roman Catholic, but has come a long way, and is now arguing the Sabbath with his sergeant. After showing him Bible passages for half an hour, my fiancé convinced the sergeant that Saturday is the day! Praise God! Please remember us in your prayers, and may God bless you always!" —Young woman, New York
"I am thankful to God that there is a magazine like YD that reaches so many young people's hearts. There are young people who are searching and who-I'm sure-YD has reached. I know it has with me and some of my friends. It's an incredible encouragement to know there are other young people out there who share the same goal in life-Get the message of salvation to a dying world!" —Girl, age 17, Kentucky
"I don't know how to thank you enough for your Young Disciple magazine. It has been such a blessing to our children and to our young people in our church. We started getting it several years ago. I want more than anything else for my children to love the Lord and be raised for Him. We have home schooled them all their lives and when the need arose for a church magazine for them that would be much like the Youth's Instructor, the Lord answered our prayers through your magazine, Young Disciple. Thank you so much. It has meant so much to us! God bless you as you continue to lead others to the Lord through your wonderful articles." —Mother, Idaho
"We received the packet of Young Disciple magazines, and we just want to shout, 'Praise the Lord!' My children, and even my wife and I, love to read YD. We appreciate your conservative stance and the wonderful character-building stories. Living in a foreign country has its share of trials and adjustments. Having YD to read during those lonely times brings comfort and a little bit of heaven to us. Thank you so much for your ministry." —SDA mission family, Mali, West Africa
"Blessings upon you! My son has just joined the junior Sabbath School and faithfully studies and is challenged by your lessons and publication every week. He just purchased a Strong's Concordance with his own money so he wouldn't have to borrow Daddy's so much. Bless you! Thanks again for your ministry to our young people." —Mother, Washington
"We really enjoy reading YD magazine and have been uplifted so far as spiritual life is concerned. We also gave the magazine to other students and they also enjoyed them. In fact, most of them have received the message and are now making a decision. We request you to remember them in your prayers that the Lord may help them to make a good decision to worship Him in truth and purity. We pray that we can meet with you in Heaven to rejoice forever." —Three girls, Kenya
"I want to thank you so much for your magazine. The lessons and stories are just what I need. We use YD in SS Class and everyone likes it. Thank again." —Girl, age 12, Washington
"I would like to thank you and all the YD staff a million times for what you are doing in my life and surely the lives of thousands of other young disciples. If Jesus doesn't come by then, I plan to continue to support and also study YD magazine when I'm OLDER. :) I think they're great!!!" —Boy, age 16, Virginia
"I want to thank you and your wonderful ministry. God has just been working mightily through YD magazine and has helped me make my decision to be baptized last Sabbath. I want to let you know that I will always support Young Disciple and that I'm looking so much forward to going to Camp this summer! May God bless!!" —Boy, age 16, Oregon
"I teach the youth class at Sabbath School and appreciate the Young Disciple lesson studies. They are Bible-based, in-depth, yet at a level they can comprehend. Thank you." —SS Teacher, Indiana
"I'm a 15 year old girl who, like my older sister and younger brother, are so overjoyed to read Young Disciple magazine. I could almost spend hours reading it! I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate the Bible lessons. I do them for my devotions every day. They are a real blessing for home and for our Sabbath School class." —Girl, age 15, Tennessee
"I am really enjoying this new quarter of Young Disciple! The studies have been real good. This year my resolution is to spend more time in the morning in communion with the Lord, digging deeper into reading and studying God's Words, and to memorize at least one verse a day. Thank you for all the hard work you put into helping other youth by your publishing ministry. It is a blessing to me." —Girl, age 16, West Virginia
"We ordered the CD, 'Here I Am,' several months ago. Our whole family loves it! It is a beautiful CD that truly lifts our souls heavenward. We had already purchased 'His Song In My Heart,' along with the music book. All of us are diligently memorizing the songs, one by one. We make it part of our family worship each day. What a blessing it is for each of us! Our daughter wanted me to tell you that she is memorizing Ephesians 6 as part of our family worship." —Mother, Oregon
"I love your magazines and the stories. They're messages to today's youth! I think you guys are great. I just think your ministry is awesome. Keep up the good work, you guys. God bless your ministry to all the world!" —Boy, age 16, North Dakota
"Even though I am almost 40, I thoroughly enjoy the study in the magazine and my 12 year old is using the stories for now. He has also begun to use our Strong's Concordance for the first time! I saw him doing so the other day, even when it wasn't 'Bible time.' My heart was very encouraged. I know he picked it up from your magazine, and I am so thankful. He is constantly telling me about the stories he reads in there. Thank you for such a great work and for giving such a beautiful example of a life led by Christ. I am always blessed by the comments made by the youth! I didn't realize there were young people so serious about following Jesus. Please continue to be a beacon in the night!" —Mother, California
"I have been enjoying your magazine. It has been giving me more help than you can imagine. They have been opening the truth of the gospel much more. Your magazine has truly blessed me with the knowledge of the Lord." —Mother, Nebraska
"I'd been looking for magazine to use in ministering to young people. A girl next door received Young Disciple, and when I saw it, I said, 'This is it! God has answered my prayers.' I've received loads of good response from the young people I've been sending YD to. I want to send YD to many more young people in needy countries. A year's subscription is so cheap. Even a dress costs more, but what comparison is a dress with a young person saved for eternity? This is something I love, and truly God's blessings come back to us!" —Girl, Georgia
Young Disciple Ministries is a non-profit organization. Your financial support is greatly appreciated. Click here to see current projects and give your gift online.
© 1999— 2025 Young Disciple Ministries, Inc. 51 FDR Lake Rd • PO Box 400 • Inchelium, WA 99138 • 509-722-4300 • Email Us • Google+