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What is the Youth Advisory Board (YAB)?
This is a group of young people who have a special part to play in the magazine. Those chosen to serve as board members are listed in the masthead, and are consulted about various features of the magazine. The board members are also asked to answer short questionnaires about four times a year.
What kinds of things are on the questionnaires?
Board members are asked to give their feelings on a particular subject, or requested to tell about a specific activity they have participated in. They may be asked to give their opinion on various parts of the magazine, or suggestions for new features.
If I join the Youth Advisory Board, will you really use my ideas?
We carefully consider everything the board members send us, and we act on many YAB recommendations. One of the most popular features in the magazine, in fact, is contributed by the Youth Advisory Board members. This feature is a series of short testimonies, accompanied by photos, that you find in the Bible lesson section. As a member of the Youth Advisory Board, you definitely have a chance to make a difference!
If I wanted to do more than answer a questionnaire or write a short testimony, would that be OK?
Definitely! Those young people who demonstrate a real interest in Young Disciple magazine, and who would like greater responsibilities, will be given opportunities to contribute in a greater capacity. It’s up to you.
How long would I serve if I joined the Youth Advisory Board?
The term of service varies depending upon the age and commitment of the board member. At age 17, YAB members generally “retire.”
Who can apply to be a member of the Youth Advisory Board?
Young people ages 10–16 who love the Lord, want to serve Him, and meet the following requirements: 1) regularly receive and read Young Disciple magazine, and 2) have daily personal devotions and study the Young Disciple Bible lessons.
How can I apply to be a member of the Youth Advisory Board?
Just fill out the following form. If a paper copy of the application is desired, please write or call the office.
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