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Below is a summary of the main points of this week's lesson. The complete lesson contains explanations, puzzles, challenges, and much more. To gain the full benefit of the complete lesson, call 509-722-4300, or click here to order!
Topic: Jesus Words to Children Memory Text: Mark 10:14 Project: Memory: Matthew 18:1-14
Key Points: Sunday: Jesus loves children, and the children He encountered during His time on earth loved Him. However, the disciples thought that someone as important as their Master couldn't possibly have time for little children. They thought they were doing Jesus a favor by turning the mothers and children away (Mark 10:13). But what did Jesus have to say? (Verse 14).
Monday: Do you have younger brothers or sisters? Jesus has a message for you: “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not” (memory text—Mark 10:14). But what if they are naughty or obnoxious? Don’t give up. Instead, remember this: “Children are the most susceptible to the teachings of the gospel; their hearts are open to divine influences, and strong to retain the lessons received” (The Desire of Ages, page 515).
Tuesday: In Mark 10:17 we meet a rich young ruler. He had everything someone could want in this world, but he saw something in Jesus that he wanted, someone he didn't have himself. He asked Jesus about it, and what did Jesus say? (Matthew 19:17). The young man must have felt pretty good about himself at this point, because what did he tell Jesus in verse 20? How did Jesus respond? (Verse 21).
Wednesday: The rich young ruler probably thought of many reasons why he should keep his wealth for himself. He may have even felt they were very good reasons. Still, there was a problem: He was not willing to tell Jesus, “I will give up my own ideas and accept Your plan for my life.” The rich young ruler wanted to follow Jesus, but he was not willing to pay the price. The riches and honor he would have in this life were more important to him than having a character fit for Heaven. The cost was too great, and “he went away sorrowful (Matthew 19:22).
Thursday: Think about it! If the man had surrendered all, when he got to Heaven he would have seen many souls there because of his sacrifice. He would have felt that Heaven was cheap enough. Instead, “he refused the offer of eternal life, and went away, and ever after the world was to receive his worship” (The Desire of Ages, page 520). What could be more sad?
Friday: The disciples had always thought that rich people were especially blessed by God. Imagine their surprise when Jesus told the rich young ruler he should sell all that he had, and then their disappointment when the young man decided the cost was too great! What did Jesus say next that challenged the disciples? (Luke 18:25-26). In verse 27, what is Jesus' wonderful answer?
Sabbath: Read The Desire of Ages, Chapter 57. Underline how you can inherit eternal life.
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