This Week’s YD Bible Lesson

Below is a summary of the main points of this week's lesson.
The complete lesson contains explanations, puzzles, challenges, and much more. To gain the full benefit of the complete lesson, call 509-722-4300, or click here to order!



July 21– 27, 2024

Child of Nazareth

Topic: Jesus' early Years
Memory Text: Luke 2:40
Project: Memory: John 1:5

Key Points: What did the angel tell Joseph after Herod died? (Matthew 2:19-20).

Joseph wanted to live in Bethlehem, but where did God send them instead? (Luke 2:22;39).

No town has ever been honored more than Nazareth, but the Jews didn’t realize it. See John 1:46 for the question Nathanael asked about this town. What is your answer?

What does the Bible say about Jesus' boyhood? (Luke 2:40; 52).

Did Jesus face the same basic issues growing up that we do? (Hebrews 4:15).

An important way Jesus kept from sinning was a habit that He developed as a boy. It is described in Mark 1:35. What did He often do even before the sun came up?

How did Jesus overcome sin? Besides much prayer, Jesus memorized Scripture to keep from sinning (Psalm 119:11). Do topical study to find other tools Jesus used to keep from sinning and to honor God instead.

Every youth who follows Christ’s example of faithfulness and obedience at home may claim the blessing in Isaiah 42:1. What words in this verse do you want God to say about you?