Camper Information

Canoeing 2022

Important Details

CHECK IN (ARRIVING): Campers will check in on July 13 and 20, from 2:00–4:00 pm. Campers may not check in before this time. 

CHECK OUT (DEPARTING): Camper checkout will be on July 20 and 27 from 10:00–11:30 am.

CLASSES: Class registration is expected to open about a month prior to camp. Those who registered for camp first will have the option to choose classes first (i.e. receive class registration codes and will be able to complete online class registration).

FOOD: Tasty, nondairy vegetarian meals will be provided. If you need gluten-free meals, please mark that on your application.

FINANCIAL: The camp fee of $450 covers meals, lodging, airport pickup/dropoff, camp activities, and most class options. An application deposit of $50 is due at the time of application, and is deducted from the balance due. The application deposit is non-refundable. One $25 per camper discount is applied if a parent/guardian will be serving as a staff volunteer. Limited needs-based financial aid may be available. Please contact the camp office for more information. 

FLIGHT INFORMATION: Begin looking for discount airfares starting in the late winter or early spring. Check sites such as and for sales. Please be sure your application has been accepted prior to finalizing travel plans.

LODGING: Enjoy a real camping experience! Lodging will be in cabin tents or simple wood cabins.

PHONES/ELECTRONICS: We believe that camp should be a place to make friends, enjoy nature, and learn about God. To best achieve these goals, camp policy requires that cell phones, games, computers, ipods, tablets, smart watches, headphones, media players, etc., be left at home or checked into camp customs for safekeeping. Campers needing to place approved calls (i.e. family emergency), may do so in the camp office under the guidance of their counselor. Parents are encouraged to send messages to their children via mail or email.

Doers 2023

TRANSPORTATION: Bus service from/to Spokane International Airport is available for campers arriving by 2:30 pm on Sunday, July 13 or 20, and flying out after 1:00 pm on Sunday, July 20 or 27. The camp cannot provide pickup/drop-off service outside of these times without prior authorization.

STAFF: Staff are carefully selected based on their commitment to the Lord, high Christian standards, abilities, and love for young people. A high staff-to-camper ratio is maintained.

VOLUNTEERS/PARENTS: Staff volunteers are vital to the camp program! Service positions are available in a number of areas, and especially for food preparation. If you know of someone that may be able to serve, please contact the YD office or have them complete a staff volunteer application. Unfortunately we are unable to offer meals and lodging for non-staff parents or family members.

WELLNESS: Medical staff will be stationed on campus and EMT's and a medical clinic are just a few minutes away in Inchelium.

Camp Codes

COMPETITION: The spirit of competition in all its forms is discouraged.

DRESS CODE: Girls: Sturdy, modest dresses, skirts, or jumpers. No crop tops or low necklines. Pants with fingertip-length tops are recommended for some activities. Boys: No shorts or tank tops. Shirts should be tucked in. No baggy or low-riding pants. Both: Nothing sleeveless. Avoid ungodly words or pictures on clothing. 

FOOD: Campers may not keep food items in their lodgings. Food for special diets may, by prior arrangement, be stored in the camp kitchen.

ITEMS TO LEAVE AT HOME: Food/beverages/candy/gum, non-approved portable electronic devices (such as computers, tablets, ipods, cell phones, headphones and smart watches), fireworks, electronic or card games, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, pornography, secular reading material, makeup, nail polish, jewelry, weapons, or anything that would detract from the goals and atmosphere of camp.


SOCIAL RELATIONS: YD camp encourages friendly interaction among campers. However, intense and/or romantic relationships between campers are not permitted.

WHAT TO BRING: A list of what to bring will be included in the acceptance packet.

How to Apply

WHO SHOULD APPLY: Young Disciple Youth Bible Camp is for young people who want to grow in their relationship with the Lord. Those without this objective should not apply. Any camper who refuses to abide by camp policies will be sent home at his/her expense and will forfeit his/her fees. 

TO APPLY: Each applicant should completely and personally fill out an application form. If the application is not accepted, the deposit will be returned.

Fill out a camper application: Coming December 2024